The Cuckoo's Nest

Friday, April 28, 2006

It was him

While the lefty media go crazy over the death of Private Kovco in Iraq - tonight's ABC item was an especially disgraceful piece of ghoulery - SBS still carries off the nightly prize. According to Cassandra Hill on tonight's bulletin:

"Prime Minister John Howard has accepted full responsibility for the death of Private Kovco..."

This statement was made against vision of Howard in a radio studio with headphones on. Funnily enough, there was no direct audio, no quote of him making this extraordinary claim of responsibility.

ABC's Matt Brown got every bit of vision he could to make the point that morgues are dismal, unappealing places. Gee, you mean they're not like a tapas bar or Disneyland? Apparently the morgue in which Private Kovco's body briefly resided is 'dimly lit'. No kidding? No disco balls or fairy lights, you mean? Not even a lava lamp? The hand-written label on his body-drawer showed signs of having been 'crumpled'. Oh, the humanity!

Update: In the matter of the PM's supposed claim of 'full responsibility' for the death of Private Kovco, it gets interesting once you do a little googling. Shortly after posting a comment on Tim Blair, I found two different articles on the Australian's webpage, using what was obviously the same original quote to mean two very different things. In one article, Howard was claiming 'full responsibility' for the death of Private Kovco, in another, it was for the bungled repatriation of his body. Within minutes, the second article was replaced by the first, and the second link (which is still up as of this writing, and which is titled Body mix-up: PM accepts full responsibility) then led back to the first article

You'll have to take my word for that, because I didn't get a screenshot. In fact, I would encourage you not to believe me, but at least I've got a screenshot of that second link, my only evidence that that second article ever existed.


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