The Cuckoo's Nest

Friday, February 17, 2006

Duck season continued

An informant with a better memory than mine has filled in that gap about the television debate I mentioned at the start of my Michael Leunig post below. Apparently it was hosted by the ABC, to choose the greatest Australian, past or present, living or dead. The first person I recalled was in fact standing up to nominate Lord Love-a-duck for this honour. That's right: forget Sir John Monash or Weary Dunlop or Vivian Bullwinkel. Leunig for The Greatest. But wait, it gets better. The person doing the proposing was none other than...David Williamson, the man who is to the Australian stage what Leunig is to the editorial cartoon.

As for the young woman who stood up to rudely prick the bubble of Leunig-love, my informant doesn't substantiate my recollection of an audible gasp running around the room, but does assert that they cut to a reaction shot from David Williamson, who could be seen open-mouthed and speechless. In the commentary that followed this golden moment in Australian television, it emerged that the young woman was a Sydneysider, and it all fell into place. The Leunig cult is very much a Melbourne thing. Unlike real prophets, Leunig is without honour, save in his own land.


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