The Cuckoo's Nest

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Consider yourselves warned

And so the Government's legislation abolishing compulsory student unionism has been passed, by the vote of Family First senator Steve Fielding. According to today's Age, Fielding's electoral office has been vandalised, though as they don't give details, one can assume no major damage was done. Monash University Student Association president Nick Richardson claims no knowledge of the incident, but surmises that it was probably the work of 'students'. No shit, Sherlock!? Nick warns that as part of the student response to the passage of the legislation, a 'conservative senator's office' will be targeted by protestors on Monday (tomorrow). C'mon Nick, give us a hint.

Sought out for comment, Robert Nicholas, 'education officer' (wtf?) for the Queensland branch of the National Union of Students had this to say of the vandalizing of Fielding's office:

"He has made himself a political target by voting for the legislation, so he'll have to live with the consequences."

Got that, legislators? If you make the mistake of passing legislation unpopular with campus lefties, you have only yourselves to blame for what follows. Consider yourselves warned.

A couple of months ago, I was talking to a student union official from one of Melbourne's biggest campuses. She amazed me by her matter-of-fact acceptance that student unions were finished. "B-but", I stammered, "aren't there going to be protests, rage, papier mache puppets?" No, she told me, everyone on the inside knew that the jig was up, and she was already making plans to dispose of her union's archive.


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