The Cuckoo's Nest

Monday, February 06, 2006

Say your (standard) prayers

"Islamic prayers could be illegal under new laws" screams today's Age on page two, reporting recent comments by international law specialist Dr. Ben Saul. Gee, which prayers would those be? Oh, you know, the standard ones. Such as? Err, y'know, the standard prayer - as the Age describes it - "May God grant victory to the mujahideen in Iraq".

This post is about the idiocy of the Age, and of 'international law specialists', even when they're speaking at government-funded conferences, not about any wish to 'make windows into men's souls', which would be as evil as it was futile. Still, I can't resist the tu quoque of wondering what would happen to any Christian priest or cleric who dared to offer public prayers for the victory of coalition forces in Iraq.


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