The Cuckoo's Nest

Monday, January 16, 2006

SBS discriminates against refugees

If you visit the SBS website - which I don't recommend - one of the things you will see is my tax dollars swirling down the plughole of their forthcoming drama series titled Marx and Venus. Geddit? Apparently it's to be a relationship comedy-drama in five-minute episodes, featuring a whiny 29-year-old law student called Marx. According to his housemate Venus, he is given to such bon mots as "This government is stupid". He really knows how to sweet-talk a girl, does Marx.

Anyway, SBS is actually inviting the public to contribute scripts for the show. If your 5-minute script is accepted, you get 2000 of my dollars. Thing is, to be eligible, you need to be "an Australian permanent resident (or citizen)". Note the order of precedence. My question is simply, why don't those with refugee status also get their chance to write an edgy, in-your-face inner-urban relationship comedy-drama?


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