The Cuckoo's Nest

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

ALP victory plan proceeding on schedule

At least, it is if you subscribe to the cunning plan outlined by master electoral strategist Professor Robert Manne (see previous post), who bids fair to be for Beazley what Karl Rove is for George W. Bush.

As you'll recall, the Prof has explained that all Kim needs to do to win the next election is to make a 'non-revocable' promise to tear up Howard's IR laws, and sure enough, Kim did just that, during yesterday's day of protest:

My first act as Prime Minister of this nation will be to stand on the steps of Parliament and rip these laws up - these extreme laws are headed straight for the bin, which is where they belong.

Doesn't get much more 'non-revocable' than that. And by the way, if I'm not mistaken, new Parliament House doesn't have any steps that would be suitable for such a dramatic piece of political theatre. Probably Kim has been watching all that archival Whitlam dismissal footage that's been playing non-stop over the last week, in which the steps of Old Parliament House feature so prominently.

Steps, schmeps; the main thing is, Kim has taken the Professor's fail-safe plan on board. Somewhere deep in the politics department at La Trobe University, Professor Manne is in his hushed study - he sits deep in a wingbacked armchair, absently touching his splayed fingertips together, as he gazes, abstracted but with a deeper purpose, into the slumbering embers on the hearth. A single soliloquial murmur breaks the silence: "Exxxxcellent..."


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